[REBD-852] Yura Kano's Graduation

Yura11 Yuraduation・架乃ゆら


Released date:2024-07-04 ID:h_346rebd00852 ID(DVD):REBD-852
Studio: REbecca Label: REbecca Director: あおのゆうこ
In this feature film, our leading lady is none other than the gorgeous Yura Kano! Her unique transparency and one-of-a-kind presence, combined with her unwavering naturalness, make her irresistible. As she announces her retirement from V-actress work, Rebecca celebrates by capturing her final moments on camera. Spanning seven years since her debut, Yura has released countless nude images across various producers. This compilation serves as a testament to her illustrious career. Filmed at picturesque locations throughout the Izu Peninsula, including hot springs, this monumental piece showcases all that Yura Kano has to offer. Notably, the DVD includes personal commentary by Yura herself, reflecting on her journey thus far. In the closing interview, she shares memories and insights about her decision to move forward. This farewell marks not just the end of an era but also the beginning of something new. A masterpiece filled with history and emotion, Yura's graduation video is sure to leave fans wanting more.
本作の主演はお馴染み架乃ゆらちゃん!!特有の透明感とオンリーワンの存在感、変わらぬナチュラルさが魅力の美肌美乳美女だ!!V女優引退を発表した架乃ちゃん、芸能活動自体は継続するものの一区切りという事でREbeccaも新たな旅立ちを祝うべく撮影に取り組む。デビューから約7年、様々なメーカーから実に沢山のヌードイメージをリリースしてきた彼女の集大成となる本作。記念碑的作品に相応しい作品を作り上げるべく今回の撮影の舞台は風光明媚な伊豆半島全域、もちろん温泉にも入るぞ!!架乃ゆら作品お馴染みの本人による全チャプター解説も勿論収録、ラストのインタビューでは様々な出来事を振り返りながら語ってくれた。卒業は新たなる第一歩の始まり、架乃ゆらの歴史と今が詰まった最高傑作が遂に完成した!! 【※この作品はイメージビデオです】※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。